Here's where we'll build our exhange. Please comment with wants and needs and who you are and what you write. I'll paste it back into the second to top header on the first page. And when it builds up, I'll encourage cross emailing. We'll get started.
RW Richard
The artist as writer. I'd like to start an exchange of scene for scene edits with other writers, be it you and I, or you and somebody else. In this way, we can fix over time those neglected shelved manuscripts which an agent or editor might ask for, but we'll actually be ready or closer to being ready. To sign up, for now just email me or post under author exchange your email and needs and wants or preferences for type of author to swap with.
Author Exchange
RW Richard would like to swap scenes from his romantic comedy with someone with a sense of humor who likes to write light-hearted stories.
I'll write your preferences here. . . .
I'll write your preferences here. . . .